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Harold Bloom #2: What exactly does he mean?

Shakespeare was the first writer to create characters who talk to themselves; his characters were the first to have complicated inner lives characterised by self-questioning, division, confusion, contradiction. Today, we...

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Harold Bloom #2: What exactly does he mean?

Shakespeare was the first writer to create characters who talk to themselves; his characters were the first to have complicated inner lives characterised by self-questioning, division, confusion, contradiction. Today, we...

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George Orwell on what Animal Farm is really about?

How to interpret Animal Farm has long divided critics, but Peter Davidson’s newly published George Orwell: Life in Letters includes a letter that directly addresses this issue. Orwell’s friend Dwight...

George Orwell on what Animal Farm is really about?

How to interpret Animal Farm has long divided critics, but Peter Davidson’s newly published George Orwell: Life in Letters includes a letter that directly addresses this issue. Orwell’s friend Dwight...

Shakespeare: from zero to hero

Though it is now one of the most basic elements of Western thought, there was a time when the idea of the number zero was an Arabic import. In Thinking...

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Shakespeare: from zero to hero

Though it is now one of the most basic elements of Western thought, there was a time when the idea of the number zero was an Arabic import. In Thinking...

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